WOD for January 7th

Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Hey Everyone,

So, here's the workout of the day for January 7th.

You'll do 10 minutes of work, completing as many sets as you can of this circuit:

-100 yard sprint (or sprint in place for 30 reps, counting only one leg)
-20 step squats (each step counts as a rep, so NOT 20 per side)
-10 overhead presses (5 per arm)

Keep going until 10 minutes has passed.  Don't let fatigue set it - keep after it for the whole 10 minutes with whatever you have in the tank!

ALSO: My new aimfitcamp.com site is up - special thanks to Boot Camper Mary Schwartz for all her hard work in getting it live.

Camps resume next week, so make sure to get in touch with me and set up your free trial ASAP!


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